Saturday, August 18, 2007

Monday, August 06, 2007

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Rowan Beatrice Hamner

We would like to thank all our friends for their prayers and thoughts over the last few days. We are quite excited to share our new baby girl with you all. Rowan Bea Hamner was born July 31st at 8:35am. Little Rowan weighed 6.11, and 50cm long (tall).

ROWAN-In modern English, Rowan is used as both a feminine and masculine name. The feminine name probably derives from the name of the tree: It has been fashionable at several times in recent centuries to name girls after plants

BEATRICE-(pronounced bee'-a-tris or in Italian bay'-a-tree-chay) is a name derived from the Latin name Beatrix. This occurred in medieval Italy. Beatrice means she who blesses.

HAMNER-Sir name originating in Wales, originally Hanmer. Also known at times by Haminator, Wickershamnner, Hammy, Hamnerito, or Hamnarion.